Soul Strips Rescue
Soul Strips Rescue
Soul Strips Rescue
Soul Strips Rescue
Soul Strips Rescue
Soul Strips Rescue
Soul Strips Rescue

Soul Strips Rescue

Rs. 560.00

Going through that time of the month? RESCUE yourself from period pain with our tried & tested menstrual health formula, for making those 5 days easier on you. 

Icon Relieves cramp pain & tenderness
Icon Stabilises hormone production
Icon Supports healthy menstruation
Icon Raspberry flavour
Soul Strips Rescue

Soul Strips Rescue

Rs. 560.00


Vitex Agnus Castus

A plant traditionally used for menstrual concerns. Helps regulate hormones, relieves cramps & helps ease symptoms of PMS (tenderness, mood swings, bloating etc.)


A dietary supplement with proven benefits for managing menstrual issues. It helps regulate cycles, improves ovarian functions & reduces inflammation, thereby relieving cramps. 


A trace mineral that’s essentail for proper metabolism of fats, carbs & proteins. It helps regulate mood & energy levels during menstruation by improving insulin sensitivity.

Folic Acid

AKA Vitamin B9, is crucial for egg quality & ovarian function. Also, it helps combat sleep & fatigue issues often associated with PMS.

How Soul Strips Works?

Here's a glimpse behind the scenes, showing you what goes into delivering
quick, effective nutrition throughout your body.